6. Thermochemistry

Brown Chapter 5 Thermochemistry PowerPoint

6.1 Endothermic and Exothermic Processes

6.2 Energy Diagrams

6.3 Heat Transfer and Thermal Equilibrium

6.4 Heat Capacity and Calorimetry

6.5 Energy of Phase Changes

6.6 Introduction to Enthalpy of Reaction

6.7 Bond Enthalpies

6.8 Enthalpy of Formation

6.9 Hess’s Law

6.1 Average Bond Enthalpies

Bond Enthalpies

6.2 Temperature Effect on Molecular Speed

Boltzmann Distributions

6.3 Comparison of Speed of Gases

Gas Speeds

6.4 Deviation from Ideal Gas Behavior

Deviation from Ideal Gas

6.5 Gas Solubility vs Temperature

Gas Solubility vx Temperature

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